Links to other websites. 

The list below is useful sites relevant to older people.

AgeUK Enfield Age Concern Enfield New Site
Care Directions Care Directions is an independent web site that focuses on care issues and providers of care services for older people
Care and Repair England Care and Repair England's mission is to innovate, develop, promote and support housing policies and initiatives which enable older and disabled people live independently in their own homes for as long as they wish.
Communities and Local Government Supporting people and independence in old age. Links with Local Authority groups across the country including Enfield
Department of Health Official Site
Eaga Trust Eaga works with Central Government, local authorities and utility companies to offer households grant funded insulation and heating improvements
Elderly Accommodation Counsel Elderly accommodation Counsel is a national charity, founded in 1985, offering advice and information about all forms of accommodation for older people.
Enfield Council The official web site of the Council
Enfield Leisure Centres  An extensive range of fitness facilities for all in the Borough. Wednesday is the Over 50s day at Southbury and Thursday at Edmonton
Enfield Borough Police Enfield Borough Police Homepage - Contact details for all the services and the 5 stations within the Borough of Enfield
The Enfield Society Previously the Enfield Preservation Society - Project information
Enfield NHS Information about Health in Enfield
Enfield's Strategic Partnership (ESP) The ESP brings together all the major public sector organisations, local businesses, community and voluntary groups for the benefit of all in Enfield
Enfield U3A Branch Enfield University of the Third Age
Entitlements - what are you eligible for! Check whether you are entitled to benefit from the Government, Council or Pension Service
First Stop Advice for Older People Offering advice on care, housing and financial options for older people and their carers
The Freedom Pass All you need to know about the Freedom Pass including discounts for other services if you have a Freedom Pass
Government's first stop website The site you should visit to find anything about the government
Growing Older Research Programme The Growing Older Programme consists of 24 research projects focused on how to extend the quality of life in old age. Research is commissioned by ESRC. .
Guardian Newspaper website Lots of very useful articles re issues affecting older people. See also Guardian Money
JACS Jewish Association of Cultural Societies
The international Longevity Centre R & D on Older People and Ageing Issues
Is It Fair The older people's campaign to keep Council Tax down
London Centre for Dementia Care News about research, education and training, book reviews and useful information about dementia and dementia care
The London Older People’s Strategies Group This is the Mayor of London’s principle forum for consultation with older Londoners.
Mature Times web site Mature Times is a newspaper specifically targeted at older people. (The editor - Tony Watts is a name sake of Enfield Over 50s Forum Secretary)
National Statistics Government National Statistics database. Information on Enfield, population etc.
National Pensioners Convention (NPC) The NPC is the umbrella body for pensioners' groups throughout the UK with over 250 affiliates and hundreds of individual supporters
NHS Direct Official NHS website
Older Peoples Web

A website for issues and topics relating to the older people – their quality of life, welfare, health and all other issues.

Research in Practice for Adults Web Site Excellent site with source material on Improving Services for Vulnerable Adults
Silver Surfers A number of useful links for older surfers
Seniors Network Useful links to older peoples Forums and Local Pensioners Associations
Social Exclusion and poverty in the UK Income distribution and poverty in Britain.
University of the 3rd Age Palmers Green University of the 3rd Age Palmers Green