All members should have received their copy but can also read it here!
The December/January Forum Focus is now out.
The front-page entitled “Next step for Forum” is a must-read. It covers the EGM in October and how to secure the future of the Forum. In addition, there is the usual mix of regular features and articles covering a variety of topics. It should be with you by now. You can, of course, also read or download it by following the link from our Newsletters page.
The Forum’s Groups & Social Events team have a new web-site!
The new site is maintained by the event organisers themselves. To visit the site, just click on the “Groups & Social Events site” menu item at the top of this page or click here!
Vital Forum Meeting & Vote
Unless we get people volunteering to manage and run the Forum, we will be forced to close as a Trust and charity.
We need new people to run the Forum – otherwise we will not be able to continue.
We are holding an Extraordinary General Meeting on 29 October (see details on p16 of the new Forum Focus) where we will vote on the motion: ‘that this Forum will close on 31 March 2025 as a Trust as designated by the Charities Commission’.
More details in the October/November edition of Forum Focus just out. It should be with you over the next couple of days. As always, it is on this site and you can read it here.
The August/September newsletter is now out
Members should now have their copies by now but you can always read it online here.
New Enfield Local Plan — Find out more or have your say!
-The Council has announced a series of drop-in sessions over the next few weeks in different locations. You can ask questions or submit representations. To find out where and when the sessions are or to find out how to make representations, check here on the Council’s web-site.
Local Voices Needed
Now is the time to get involved if you want to influence the final version of Enfield Council’s New Local Plan!
Enfield, a borough with a rich history and a vibrant community, is at a pivotal moment. The decisions made today will reverberate for generations. Enter the New Local Plan, a blueprint that will guide Enfield’s development, housing, and environment until 2041.
The clock is ticking. We have just a month to make our voices heard. This is your chance to influence the future, to advocate for homes, green spaces, and sustainable growth.
Before the Local Plan debate at the Full Council meeting on March 6, 2024, our elected representatives should reach out to their constituents. They should discuss aspirations for homes, the environment, and the delicate balance between progress and preservation. It’s a crucial conversation – one that bridges the gap between policy and people.
We encourage members to contact their ward councillors to request a ward forum where the plans can be discussed. A summary of proposals for each ward can be accessed here. Just click on the links in the document to see your councillors’ contact details.
In 2021, the draft Local Plan emerged and received 7,267 written responses. The need for additional housing, and affordable housing, was undeniable, but so were concerns about deliverability, the lack of infrastructure to support the growth proposed, the number of tall buildings proposed and the release of Green Belt land.
The revised plan is targeting 35,000 new homes by 2041. That’s a staggering leap from the draft proposal in 2021. These numbers are far in excess of London Plan targets and would mean one new home for every four existing ones. Building these homes would require building on green belt land, roughly 40 times the size of Enfield Town Park, justifying residents’ concerns about the sufficiency of infrastructure such as roads, schools, primary healthcare, and green space for health, leisure, and well-being.
Enfield is not alone – the Council should consider its strategic role within London, as directed by the Mayor through the London Plan, whereby each borough, including Enfield, has a role to play and a housing target to reach. The London Plan targets can be met without building homes on green belt land. Furthermore, data provided by EnCaf indicates that, far from being balanced, consultees’ support for releasing green belt land for housing development is very limited indeed.
Enfield stands at a crossroads. Let’s ensure that our legacy is one of foresight, compassion, and sustainable growth. Together, we’ll build a future that honours our past and embraces the promise of tomorrow. A web search on “Enfield’s New Local Plan” links to the relevant page on the Council’s website. Appendix C (parts 1, 2 and 3) at the bottom of the page reveals detailed site allocations.
Forum meetings for January and February 2024
We have added the first two meetings of 2024 to our meetings page.
Chance to Dance
Do you fancy improving your dancing? We would like to be able to offer dancing classes with a professional teacher but need about 20 people to keep the costs low though the first two classes will be for free!!
We already have nine very enthusiastic takers, so let us know if you would like to join them. Classes will be run in partnership with Platinum Dance Academy, which is based in Millfield House where we are based.
Call the office if you are interested. See our Contact Us page for our phone details, office hours and how to get to Millfield House.
Board Games
We have launched a Board Games afternoon — every second Wednesday 1-3pm at Millfield House. Free entry and tea and coffee provided. Feel free to bring biscuits!! Come along on 1,15, 19 November. Just turn up or, for more information call the office on 020 8807 2076.