Vital Forum Meeting & Vote

Unless we get people volunteering to manage and run the Forum, we will be forced to close as a Trust and charity.

We need new people to run the Forum – otherwise we will not be able to continue.

We are holding an Extraordinary General Meeting on 29 October (see details on p16 of the new Forum Focus) where we will vote on the motion: ‘that this Forum will close on 31 March 2025 as a Trust as designated by the Charities Commission’.

More details in the October/November edition of Forum Focus just out. It should be with you over the next couple of days. As always, it is on this site and you can read it here.

Living with Arthritis

On 26th April, Leah Boylan of Arthritis Action gave us a talk on living with arthritis. She described techniques for managing the huge range of conditions known as arthritis. She also described some of the resources on their website that are open to all. The site is at

Here is a recording of her talk on our YouTube channel:

Thanks for Trying — Recycling in Enfield

Tuesday 22 February

Josh Freestone from the North London Waste Authority gave an entertaining and informative talk about the new campaign to help improve our knowledge of what is recyclable through kerbside collections – and why it is important not to contaminate your recycling with the wrong stuff.

Here is recording of the Zoom meeting from our YouTube channel:

The presentation slides are available here in PowerPoint format.

Staying safe and connected in Enfield

— Tuesday 25th January @ 10:30am

On 25th January, members had a Zoom presentation by Enfield Council officers describing Safe & Connected, a service aimed at providing emergency response for vulnerable people living at home in the borough. In addition to a panic button, the they use technology to identify when an emergency call-out is required. Here is a video from them.

Cultural Development in Enfield

Thursday 25 November, 10.30am

Rebekah Polding, Head of Cultural Development, Enfield Council, looked at culture in Enfield and future developments. She covered a wide range of topics including the future of the Dugdale Centre, the borough archive and theatres.

Healthy Streets talk

Healthy Streets – Tuesday 7 September, 10.30am

Richard Eason, Programme Director, Healthy Streets, Enfield Council asked ‘What are healthy streets in Enfield and why are we creating them?’ If you missed the talk, here is a recording:

And here are the slides he used (in PDF form).

Annual General Meeting + Light-hearted survey on censorship – Tuesday 29th June

We will hold a short AGM at 10.30am, including presentation of the annual report and accounts for 2020 – 2021, election of Executive Committee Members and any other business that members wish to raise.

Then we will be treated to Peter and Christine Padwick giving us a light-hearted survey of banning and censorship over the past 100 years or so with pictures, songs & anecdotes touching on George Formby, Reith and the BBC, cricket, Marilyn Monroe, Sooty, G.B. Shaw, Donald McGill, the Crazy Gang, Dr.Crippen, Alfred Hitchcock, Eartha Kitt, Thomas Hardy, Henry Hall, adverts, Frank Sinatra, D.H. Lawrence, Max Miller, George Gershwin and much more along the way.

To join the meeting and talk, use the following link at 10:30 on Tuesday: