Our Volunteer Event attracted both current volunteers and those considering offering their time and talents.

Two of those attending the Volunteers Event at the Dugdale Centre in July were very familiar with the venue. Rita Clayton and Kathleen Young are the receptionists (along with Suzanne March) who greet people attending our Monday morning Advice Service in the building.
Rita says she enjoys the experience. “It is a good way to meet lots of people – and it is great to know we are offering real help to such a varied group of people.”
Hilda Singh also volunteers for the Forum but only occasionally as she already volunteers for a few other organisations, including Age UK. “I just like to get involved with the local community.”
Mike Eppel has recently retired and like the idea of “putting something back into the community in which I live, to help in some way.”
Alvin Meisuria has volunteered before, driving a minibus to take older people to events, and is now looking to help out at the Forum. “I came along to see what is needed.”

Gail Hawksworth, a new member of the Executive Committee, thanked everyone for coming and emphasized that we have opportunities for everyone. “We need people who can commit to regular activities, but we also need people who can help out once a month or just at one of the Forum events. Please get involved.”
Jacky Pearce issued a call for people to organise social events. “The Social Events Team is very busy so it would be great if someone could suggest new places to visit and then organise the visit. We will help guide them through the process.
Anyone looking to volunteer for the Forum, see here.