Zoom talk by Ian Gunn — Thursday 11th February at 2pm

“The Failed Bank Manager: My personal journey to learn about and survive the culture of life in prison.”

Ian, who is a popular speaker on the cruise line circuit, explains how he moved from banking into prison – as an employee, not a prisoner(!) – and his life as a prison governor.

At the start of the talk, you can click on this link to join the meeting.

February/March Forum Focus now out!

The February/March edition of Forum Focus is full of information about your local community. We look at the financial challenges faced by Enfield Council and the potential attacks on the finances of older people as the government seeks to pay for the pandemic. We continue to ask for your support for the Forum’s finances in these difficult times and we outline our new projects to help combat loneliness (pp13,14). Check out our upcoming webinars (p16) and look at the Social Calendar (p15) so you can start planning for trips later in the year and in 2022.

Your forum needs you!

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, many of our members have not renewed their membership. The Forum relies on membership fees for a substantial portion of our income and we will not be able to continue the great work we do if our income continues to fall. So make sure you help us raise funds by:

  • renewing your membership promptly – or even
  • becoming a Lifetime member,
  • encouraging others to join the Forum,
  • signing up to the Lottery Club, or even
  • sending us a special donation!

Call the office between 10am and 2pm Mon to Thurs for further information or email info@enfieldover50sforum.org.uk.

The December / January newsletter has lots of articles explaining the vital work we do to help keep Enfield’s older people healthy active and informed.

15th December – Ruth Bourne – Bletchley Park talk

A Zoom talk by Ruth Bourne, one of the wartime Women of Bletchley Park (see her Wikipedia biography). Ruth was a serving WREN during the war and one of the team who successfully decoded the messages transmitted from the notorious ENIGMA machines.

Ruth’s PowerPoint slides are here:


or as a .pdf:


Zoom Webinar — Changes that will affect Older People in Enfield

Tuesday 6 October

In the week that celebrated International Older Peoples’ Day, in conjunction with the Enfield Older People Partnership Board, we staged our first Zoom webinar, on changes that will affect the lives of older people in Enfield. This is a recording of the event. (By the way, by playing this YouTube video, you are accepting YouTube cookies!)

The speakers were:

  • Jan Shortt, General Secretary of the National Pensioners Convention, the country’s largest campaigning organisation for pensioners. She talked about pensions and the threat to the triple lock:
  • Deborah McBeal, Director of Integration at Enfield at the North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group.
  • Bindi Nagra, Director of Health & Adult Social Care, on the changes affecting social care in the borough.

All the speakers answered questions from the large on-line audience, mostly after all the talks.

The following links are to the speakers’ notes and slide shows. They are all in PDF format.

Fusion Update

The borough’s leisure centres run by Fusion are closed due to the lockdown. They plan to re=open as soon as possible, though probably with limited hours and classes. Forum members need to register to ensure you receive the concessions. See the latest news here.