Creative Times Alone Project

Our new free home-based projects

We are writing to all our single members who may be living alone. Whether on not you recieve the letter, if you are a member of the Forum and living alone, you are invited to join in one or both of the following projects funded by a National Lottery grant.

  1. Make a new telephone friend,
  2. Share your creativity.

You will find a copy of the invitation letter here giving fuller details.

If you decide to give one or both of these projects a go, you can print out this questionnaire and either scan your completed form and attach it to an email to us at or put it in the post to the office. Alternatively, you can phone us on 020 8807 2076. The office is open Monday to Thursday between 10:00 and 12:00. (If you phone at other times, please leave a message on our answerphone).