Fusion Update

The borough’s leisure centres run by Fusion are closed due to the lockdown. They plan to re=open as soon as possible, though probably with limited hours and classes. Forum members need to register to ensure you receive the concessions. See the latest news here.

Latest newsletter now available

All members should receive the October- November edition of Forum Focus in the post by the beginning of October. If you do not, check that your membership is still up to date. And it is also available to see here. It includes articles about the importance of getting the flu jab, the problem of loneliness, news from the police and ,of course, the ever popular jokes in Always Look on the Bright Side. Our president Monty Meth discusses why lobbying is important and there is an update from Fusion Leisure about the re-opening of its centres in Enfield.

Forum Office

The office at Millfield House is currently closed to visitors due to the lockdown, but Ruth and Diane are working there so do call them (020 8807 2076) if you cannot renew your membership by post or online.

Forum’s 2020 Annual General Meeting

Our AGM was due to take place on 30 June but obviously current government regulations on large gatherings prevented this. We are investigating the possibility of holding it online as well as looking at new dates later in the year. We will let you know as soon as it is decided so check back here and/or look out for emails from us. (So make sure we have your email address if you have one).

Health centre at North Midd?

The proposed health care centre at North Middlesex University Hospital would benefit both Enfield residents and NHS staff.

The proposed health care centre at North Middlesex University Hospital would benefit both Enfield residents and NHS staff.The Forum is calling on local MPs to back plans for a new multi-purpose integrated health care centre at North Middlesex University Hospital that would reduce pressure on the A & E department there and help improve services to residents in the east of the borough.

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