The October/November Forum Focus is now here

It leads with an Age UK report that concludes that we need to move to a “home first” appproach for care and support.

In addition to all the regular items and information on groups, activities and what we are doing, this issue has articles on :

  • Air pollution in Outer London,
  • new drugs for treating Alzheimer’s disease,
  • and Is Enfield’s district heat network really as low carbon as is claimed?

If your copy is not to hand, you can, as always, read it and many previous issues on our Newsletters page.

April/May Newsletter now out

We pay tribute to Monty Meth in the April/May newsletter which is now out. We also use the opportunity to all for more volunteers, especially for the Executive Committee and the Social Events Team. This is your Forum and we need new ideas and energy to help drive it forward. Note (p2 “Back to the gym”) that the Fusion Leisure Centres will be opening on 12 April and you need to make sure your membership is up to date to get the Forum discounts. And check out p15 “Become Creative” as we are still looking for your contribution to our exhibition.

February/March Forum Focus now out!

The February/March edition of Forum Focus is full of information about your local community. We look at the financial challenges faced by Enfield Council and the potential attacks on the finances of older people as the government seeks to pay for the pandemic. We continue to ask for your support for the Forum’s finances in these difficult times and we outline our new projects to help combat loneliness (pp13,14). Check out our upcoming webinars (p16) and look at the Social Calendar (p15) so you can start planning for trips later in the year and in 2022.

Latest newsletter now available

All members should receive the October- November edition of Forum Focus in the post by the beginning of October. If you do not, check that your membership is still up to date. And it is also available to see here. It includes articles about the importance of getting the flu jab, the problem of loneliness, news from the police and ,of course, the ever popular jokes in Always Look on the Bright Side. Our president Monty Meth discusses why lobbying is important and there is an update from Fusion Leisure about the re-opening of its centres in Enfield.